Clearing Misconceptions
The following is from one of our website missionaries in a ‘closed country’ of what is called Western South Asia in the Muslim World. We call him Masih. He coordinates our work in that region. He is a man who is sold out to God for the preaching of the Gospel in his country and region. He writes:
Jesus Christ's command to every Christian is to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and of the Holy Spirit. But, nowadays, it is a big challenge to spread the gospel among other nations. This is because there are laws within each country which have to be obeyed. There is also fear which causes many challenges. My personal experience is that if we have a strong plan, then we can preach to Gentiles with great ease. Just as you know that Christianity is the most widely practiced religion in the world, so, too, there are many misconceptions about this religion in the minds of non-Christians. Before preaching, an evangelist must first clear up the misconceptions about Christianity in the minds of Gentiles and answer every question that comes to his mind. If you have studied other religions and you have done a strong Bible study, you can easily answer all his questions. If you do that, then you have done half the work. The rest of the work is that you just have to share the gospel with him and tell him about Jesus Christ. Pray for him at home that the seed of the Word that you have sown in his life may bear fruit and change his life and that he may accept Jesus Christ as his Savior.
Please pray for these brave men and women as they hazard their lives in these places that not only misunderstand the Gospel, but are resistant to it. Thanks.
Jesus Christ's command to every Christian is to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and of the Holy Spirit. But, nowadays, it is a big challenge to spread the gospel among other nations. This is because there are laws within each country which have to be obeyed. There is also fear which causes many challenges. My personal experience is that if we have a strong plan, then we can preach to Gentiles with great ease. Just as you know that Christianity is the most widely practiced religion in the world, so, too, there are many misconceptions about this religion in the minds of non-Christians. Before preaching, an evangelist must first clear up the misconceptions about Christianity in the minds of Gentiles and answer every question that comes to his mind. If you have studied other religions and you have done a strong Bible study, you can easily answer all his questions. If you do that, then you have done half the work. The rest of the work is that you just have to share the gospel with him and tell him about Jesus Christ. Pray for him at home that the seed of the Word that you have sown in his life may bear fruit and change his life and that he may accept Jesus Christ as his Savior.
Please pray for these brave men and women as they hazard their lives in these places that not only misunderstand the Gospel, but are resistant to it. Thanks.
1 Comment
Thanks for the exhortation, encouragement & your example, brother. Praying for inroads, clearing up misconceptions, a great harvest.