Dedicated to Reaching the Muslim World for Christ
Through Relevant Technologies
Join us For our Online and in-person Banquet on April 5th
We are excited to
announce our speaker for
the 2025 GRO Banquet is
Kamal Saleem
Kamal Saleem was born into a large Sunni Muslim family in the heart of the Middle East. Kamal was then recruited by the Muslim Brotherhood at an early age and completed his first mission in Israel at the age of seven. Kamal was also recruited by the Palestinian Liberation Organization (The PLO) and other radical Muslim groups. Scroll down to read more about our speaker.

No One has to miss this amazing Event, Sign up to watch online or attend in-Person
The Banquet will be held on April 5th 2025
at Philadelphia Church in Seattle
7704 24th Ave NW Seattle Wa 98117
Doors open at 4:30 - Dinner is at 5:00
*Please note the in-person banquet time has changed*
If you are in the Seattle area and would like to attend, click the "Register for In-Person" button and fill out the form. If you would like to host a watch party at your home or church, click the "Request Watch-Party Packet" Button and fill out the form. The Watch-Party Packet will include the streaming schedule, promotional materials and instructions to link to the stream.
An offering will be received during the event, toward reaching our goal of $80,000.00
More About the 2025 Banquet Speaker
The many years of his radical Islamist training, resulted in Kamal mastering every form of divisive extremist tactics. Kamal left his family and home in the Middle East as a young man to enter his mission field: the United States. He brought with him tremendous passion to convert as many Christians and Jews as possible for the glory of Allah. He implemented his plan, and worked effectively in what we now know as “Stealth” cultural Jihad
In 1985, Kamal's world turned upside down when he was seriously injured in an automobile accident. A Christian man tended to Kamal at the accident scene, making sure he got the medical treatment he needed. Kamal's orthopedic surgeon and physical therapist were also Christian men whom over a period of several months ministered the unconditional love of Jesus Christ to him as he recovered. The love and sacrificial giving of these men caused Kamal to cry out to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob acknowledging his need for the Savior. Kamal has since become a man on a new mission, as an Ambassador for Christ, the one true and living God. Kamal and his wife were married in 1990. They have three children, 10 grandchildren, and 8 great grandchildren. In 1998 his local church ordained Kamal as a Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Kamal has authored an autobiography entitled “The Blood of Lambs”.
Kamal and Victoria Saleem share a passion for the Muslim people. Together they started Koome Ministries as a non-profit organization in 2006. Their objective is to unveil the beautiful truth, God’s original plans for the tribes of Ishmael (the Muslim people). AND expose the ugly truth concerning the true agenda of radical Islam.
In 1985, Kamal's world turned upside down when he was seriously injured in an automobile accident. A Christian man tended to Kamal at the accident scene, making sure he got the medical treatment he needed. Kamal's orthopedic surgeon and physical therapist were also Christian men whom over a period of several months ministered the unconditional love of Jesus Christ to him as he recovered. The love and sacrificial giving of these men caused Kamal to cry out to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob acknowledging his need for the Savior. Kamal has since become a man on a new mission, as an Ambassador for Christ, the one true and living God. Kamal and his wife were married in 1990. They have three children, 10 grandchildren, and 8 great grandchildren. In 1998 his local church ordained Kamal as a Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Kamal has authored an autobiography entitled “The Blood of Lambs”.
Kamal and Victoria Saleem share a passion for the Muslim people. Together they started Koome Ministries as a non-profit organization in 2006. Their objective is to unveil the beautiful truth, God’s original plans for the tribes of Ishmael (the Muslim people). AND expose the ugly truth concerning the true agenda of radical Islam.

Blogging Platform
We have and continue to develop a blogging platform that can be easily translated into any language in the world. With the ability to add articles, the Bible and on-demand content such as videos and audio files as well as tools for visitors to interact with the website host, we offer a robust platform. Each site includes an internet radio station for 24 hour content streaming.
Internet Radio Platform
Have audio programs and music that you want to share with the world to make God’s name known? We can build an Internet Radio Station that can be customized for 24 hour play. We also have pre-recorded content available in various languages to help you fill out your radio station’s playlist. When attached to one of our blogging sites, it becomes a powerful tool to share the gospel.

Video Sharing Platform
Utilizing open source software we have built out a user friendly video sharing platform that embraces the message of the Cross and can be linked to our blogsites. Here we can share the gospel without fear of the message being taken down.
Click the link below to check it out.
Click the link below to check it out.
Until All Have Heard Studios
The Studio provides us with an amazing opportunity to record original content with our local bloggers such as music, Bible teachings, and eventually audio Bibles in various languages. There is also the possibility of doing live shows to be broadcast over internet radio, attached to the bloggers website. We are also seeing how we can use the studio for video recordings to broadcast over Facebook, YouTube and other social media platforms.