Michael Bond
Founder & President
During his time in Papua New Guinea, the Lord burdened Mike with the needs of the lost of Islam, the greatest of all mission fields, encompassing over one billion people - one fifth of the world’s total population. As a result, he founded Global Radio Outreach in 1991 to reach the Muslim world.
Becky Keene
Director of Publications
Becky handles the social media and app updates as well as creating and updating other media such as brochures and informative video.
Joyce Bond
Donor Communications
Joyce manages all the correspondence with the donors. She also takes care of the newsletter mailings, email newsletters and prayer requests.
Amy Baker
Finance Manager
Amy has been with GRO for several years now. First as an administrative assistant, then as the Financial Manager when the need arose.
Emmanuel Christian
Missionary Chaplain
Emmanuel serves as a CTO and missionary chaplain. His duties include software development, cyber security, networking, and spiritual guidance to website and radio missionaries in the USA and around the world.