Comedy mgith
Turning a Corner
October 31st, 2022
We’ve turned a corner.  At least it’s begun.  It began recently when I started introducing our website missionaries to one another.  It’s the beginning of their chance to collaborate and work together...  Read More
by Michael Bond
Strategy IV
October 18th, 2022
Greetings to you all in Christ.
I am very happy that we have a platform where we can preach among the Muslims.  Even more gratifying is that this platform is now openly discussing a strategy that a mi...  Read More
by GRO Media
Strategy III
October 10th, 2022
A few years ago, I became fascinated with the idea of a pressure cooker.  It’s something I never used in Egypt as I have always enjoyed cooking and letting cooking run its course.  I didn’t know that ...  Read More
by GRO Media
More Strategy
October 3rd, 2022
In our missionary outreach to Muslims, I’m coming to discover it is not just the doctrines of Christianity such as the trinity, the crucifixion of Jesus, etc. that Muslim take issue with, but it is th...  Read More
by GRO Media
A Strategy
September 26th, 2022
Greetings to you all in Christ.My attempt in this article is to discuss how we can preach among Muslims.  I have many friends in Pakistan who are good debaters, but I always tell them that debates onl...  Read More
by GRO Media
Follow Your Heart
September 20th, 2022
From time to time I’ll be talking on subjects that follow my Big Picture article.  What I’m sharing today is part of that message.  If you haven’t read that yet, check it out in my previous blog.How o...  Read More
by Michael Bond
I Loved My Missionary Life
September 12th, 2022
First of all, I am an M.K. (Missionary Kid for those who might not know).  I spent a lot of time with my parents in the mountains of Mexico.  It was a great time for me as a kid.  I loved crossing riv...  Read More
by GRO Media
The Big Picture
September 6th, 2022
In Matthew 15, Jesus is dealing with the Pharisees.  They were challenging Him because His disciples were not keeping the tradition of the elders of the Jewish people.  They hadn’t washed their hands ...  Read More
by Michael Bond
Clearing Misconceptions
August 9th, 2022
The following is from one of our website missionaries in a ‘closed country’ of what is called Western South Asia in the Muslim World.  We call him Masih.  He coordinates our work in that region.  He i...  Read More
by GRO Media
Encouraging yourself in the Lord Pt 11
August 1st, 2022
Well, this is it, guys and gals.  Number 11 and the last installment in my series on encouraging yourself in the Lord.  This list may not be exhaustive.  There are probably more.  If you can think of ...  Read More
by Michael Bond
Encouraging yourself in the Lord Pt 10
July 26th, 2022
Alright, today I’ll present one of those means of encouraging yourself in the Lord which may not appeal to, or be accepted by folks from some doctrinal backgrounds.  This also came up in my series cal...  Read More
by Michael Bond
Encouraging yourself in the Lord Pt 9
July 18th, 2022
So, what else could we possibly do to encourage ourselves in the Lord?  Well, I count at least 3 more, including the gem that we’re going to talk about today.  This is another one of those that helps ...  Read More
by Michael Bond
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