Comedy mgith
Technology and the Last Days
March 29th, 2023
How might the last days of revival take place? Will technology be part of it? As we look at the world today, it's clear that we are living in unprecedented times. The world is changing rapidly.  Many ...  Read More
by GRO Media
Never Boring!
March 6th, 2023
Our ministry is never boring and it continues to provide us with lots of opportunities to grow inthe Lord.Recently I was contacted by a guy, Yasser, who was told that he needed to talk to me becausehe...  Read More
by GRO Media
What on earth?!
February 27th, 2023
What on earth is going on today?  What is He doing on earth?  We’re living in a world that seems to be coming apart at the seams.  Culture is upside down.  Things that were once bad are now good.  Eve...  Read More
by Michael Bond
Coming Banquet
February 20th, 2023
We’ve had so much good news recently and some hard news, too.  More about that later.  One piece of good news is that we’re planning our annual banquet.  It will be at Philadelphia Church, 7704 24th A...  Read More
by Michael Bond
Fahad and Baba...
February 6th, 2023
I wanted to use this space to let our friend, Fahad introduce himself to you. You will recall that we’ve been praying for Fahad’s health and for his father, whom we call Baba. They both have kidney di...  Read More
by Michael Bond
January 30th, 2023
For some time we’ve been asking our prayer teams to pray for the health on our Bengali website missionary as well as his father.  Both suffer with kidney disease.  I’ll have a lot more to share later,...  Read More
by Michael Bond
Christian Emmanuel Update...
January 23rd, 2023
A New Missionary at G.R.O.I would like to introduce Christian Emmanuel from Zambia.Christian is a coder . . . a software writer for the Kingdom.  He also has experience and training in Cyber Security ...  Read More
by Brian K
It Does Not Stop There
January 2nd, 2023
A baby was born in a manger and bedded down in a feeding trough.  It wasn’t a rich man’s start in life.  It wasn’t just any baby, though.  This baby was the Son of God.  I recently heard someone quote...  Read More
by Michael Bond
A Year Closing and a Call
December 19th, 2022
It's been quite a year and here it's almost over.  We're about to let 2022 pass and see a new year born.  It's really easy to look at the last couple of years and view them as throw away years.  It's ...  Read More
by Michael Bond
A Christain Mindset
December 12th, 2022
We have been privileged to be called to proclaim the gospel of salvation to those held captive in the prison of Islam.  This doesn’t mean just Muslims, but also their Coptic neighbors who get Islam sh...  Read More
by GRO Media
That Christmas Feeling
December 5th, 2022
That Christmas FeelingIt’s a sweet feeling.  The season of goodwill, love, neighbor caring for neighbor, decorations, music, family gatherings, special foods, and on and on.  There’s so much love in t...  Read More
by GRO Media
Winter Newsleter 2022
November 29th, 2022
......  Read More
by GRO Media
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