Comedy mgith

Christian Emmanuel Update...

A New Missionary at G.R.O.
I would like to introduce Christian Emmanuel from Zambia.
Christian is a coder . . . a software writer for the Kingdom.  He also has experience and training in Cyber Security and Network Administration.  He has been a Campus Crusades missionary.  He works with the Indigitous organization as a coordinator.  He also works at an organization called Coding for the Kingdom.  This group shows young people worldwide how they can use their technical skills for the Kingdom of God.  
Christian has joined Global Radio Outreach to become our Chief Technical Officer.  He will help our outreach network to become much more effective.  He will do this in two ways . . .  1.) By making our network easier to use by our Website Missionaries, and 2.) by improving its appearance.  
He is also writing a very important piece of software called Lute.  Lute will enable us to allow complete collaboration between all of our Website Missionaries and Radio Station Missionaries.  This should amplify our efforts many times over.  His contributions will allow for programming to be shared.  This will allow for plenty of content for our Missionary Internet Radio Stations.  
Additionally, he will assist us in adapting current technologies such as podcasting and other means into our system.  
We are pleased for him to be part of the team.
Please pray as we begin the process of applying for Christian’s work visa.  Please also pray as he works to raise his support as a missionary.

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