Comedy mgith

Just A Dime A Piece

Just a Dime a Piece! What a deal! What can you buy for a dime these days? In America we used to have dime stores. I shopped a lot in these as a kid. Then we got dollar stores. Now, there’s not much that you can still buy in a dollar store unless they’ve shrunk the size of it to make it possible. Fact is, you can’t get much for a dollar, but a dime? Impossible! Maybe not, though.
To what do I refer? Well, we’re talking about reaching the lost. You mean that we can reach a soul, a lost soul, for a dime? Yes!  We can actually bring the lost to one of our websites where they can read, see, or hear the Gospel for a thin dime. How is that even possible?
Well, the websites, with their Internet radio stations, articles, Bibles, stories, music, testimonies and everything are already there, waiting to engage seekers and share the Gospel with them. All it takes is for someone to visit our website.  Once there they will see, hear, read and experience the Gospel.
So, how do we get them there? We use ads in the places where they do searches on their computer or phone browser. We use Google AdWords to draw them in. We select special words that they might use in a search . . . words that are in our articles, music, or even from the Bible. Then, when they search on those words, our ad pops up. If they click on it, they’re brought to the website where they are shown the Good News of Jesus. They get to hear it, see it and read it.
So, where does the dime come in? Each time that they click and go to the site, it only costs us a dime to bring them there. What a bargain! Better than the stuff at the dime store or even the dollar store. Present them with the Gospel for just a dime. Does it mean that they’ll be saved? Possibly. That choice is still up to them, but they’ve been brought to a presentation of the Gospel for just a dime.
Last year we reached about 350,000 Muslims and others this way, with more than a thousand being saved and about 1,400 asking for discipleship. Wonderful! However, this year we want to reach one million, but we need your help to do it.
That’s the purpose of our Seeds of Hope fund. It’s to give you a chance to reach Muslims and others with us. For a dime, one sees the Gospel on a website. For a dollar, ten will see. Ten dollars will reach 100. $100 will reach a thousand, and so on.
You can not only reach a bunch of people for a small gift, but you can be part of the plan to reach 1,000,000 this year. All you have to do is go to and choose the Seeds of Hope fund.  Or, you can send your gift to Global Radio Outreach, PO Box 719, Everett WA 98206 and designate it for Seeds of Hope. Together, let’s reach a million for Christ this year. Thank you.

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